It’s your Badass Spiritual Playground. Join us on Tuesday evenings and/or Wednesday mornings.

The Badass Spiritual Playground events serve as a brave, uncensored, virtual space for .all to collaborate, support, and inspire each other. Both weekly events have one clear intention: to change the world–for good.

On Tuesdays at 5p PT / 6p MT / 7p CT / 8p ET, spiritual leaders of all ages, gender expressions, sexual orientations, belief systems and experience levels are invited to connect and share ideas and collaborate.

BSP: Civics Edition is held on Wednesdays at 8:30a PT / 9:30a MT / 10:30a CT / 11:30a ET. In this space, we engage in bipartisan discussions.

Drop in and out to this spiritual playground any way that you choose! Feel free to keep your camera and microphone off and just listen. Or bring your full badass personality to the table and tell us about yourself! Feel free to join us on the go, while you’re cooking dinner, or playing Candy Crush. All expressions and ways of being are welcome!”